Monday, July 10, 2006

Team up for some runs...

Like I said in the last post...Training for a marathon isn't the easiest thing you will ever do. I think a great way to train is to train with a partner or a team. So everyone leave a comment and tell us where you are...Maybe we can team up and help motivate each other.

I'm in Utah

Where are you?

Talk Soon,

The Marathon Professor

Armstrong Struggles with Marathon Training

Hey...check this out... Lance Armstrong is having trouble training for a marathon!!! That's what I've been trying to tell you all: Training for a marathon isn't easy. If it is hard for's going to be hard for us!

Here is the article from

Sheryl Crow's ex-fiance Lance Armstrong is struggling with his bid to complete the New York Marathon -- and he's beginning to think it was a bad idea.

The Tour De France champion plans to join celebrities like the Streets' Mike Skinner for the 26-mile run in November, but he admits training is much harder than he initially anticipated.
Armstrong says, "It's painful. Running is totally different from cycling -- the impact on the body.
"Those guys (marathon runners) train hard, watch what they eat and go to bed early -- things I don't want to do anymore. I'm over that. I like to have a bit of fun."

Armstrong has been given a celebrity boost as he trains in Los Angeles -- Matthew McConaughey and Jake Gyllenhaal are helping the retired cycling star get in supershape for the marathon.